In 2002, page views on Philip Kaplan’s infamous FuckedCompany website were going through the roof – and he needed an advertising platform to monetize those visitors. He couldn’t find the self-service product that he needed, so he built his own with co-founder Gidon Wise. That ad platform was eventually spun out of FC and turned into Adbrite. Today, it’’s the 11th largest ad network in the U.S. with 61.5 million unique visitors across represented sites, according to Comscore’s September report.. Today Adbrite is one of the largest ad networks, with over 28,000 sites generating 750 million daily page views. 400 new publishers join the network each day. Adbrite keeps 30% of gross revenue generated, passing the remainder on to the publisher.
Ja, auch Blogs können sich ähnlich wie bei Text Link Ads vermarkten lassen, nur bietet man eben den Werbenden eine wesentlich breitere Palette von Werbemöglichkeiten an. Inkl. neuer Wege, die Techcrunch im o.g. Artikel beschreibt. Ich befürchte, dass es nix für deutsche Blogs ist, einfach zu US-concentric. Tja, ein Spezialist für deutschsprachige Blogs fehlt mir persönlich noch.