Techcrunch schreibt:
I know that many people are banking on systems for closed small group communication in the consumer space and for making tools built on ubiquitous broadband simple for nontechnical users – but I find ComBOTS distastefully patronizing. At least some of the grass roots German blogosphere appears unpleased as well, with Technorati finding headlines like „ComBOTS must die.“? I know I“d rather help my family members learn to use Skype and not receive purring Garfield avatars from them when they are in a good mood. None the less, I imagine that a large market for tools like ComBOTS does exist and for many people it may make sense.
Klar, natürlich mussten sich ComBots Krakeler im CW-Blog zu Wort melden, aber das ist letztlich nur Geplänkel, frag mich sowieso, was das bringen soll. Die Anname in den Kommentaren ist aber völlig richtig. Wann wohl die ersten Werbespots auf MTV/Viva auftauchen werden? Mit Kindermusik, comicartigen Figürchen, etcpp“¦ Combots & Jamba“¦. dass wir ollen Knacker das nicht mögen. dürfte wohl klar sein.