uhm ohm… Transparenz und Blogs = Schöne Kombination. Manchmal ist es mir aber etwas zu sehr geschwurbelt, gepinselt und gehaucht. Da beschwert sich eine Bloggerin darüber, daß Ihr Typepad Blog (SixApart) soo langsam läuft. Die Antwort ist von Anil Dash (SixApart):
Debbie, thanks again for keeping us on the right track. I think what you’re speaking to points out a tough area for any company to communicate about when something’s going wrong. We’ve got an idea of some of the problems that TypePad’s been having, and some of the causes. But we’d been waiting to have a full understanding that we’re confiden comprehensively covers all of the possible issues and solutions that might come up. This is based on the idea that complete transparency is our best bet. The thing is, there’s a tension between transparency and responsiveness here: Getting the whole story takes time, as anybody who’s worked in journalism knows. Maybe what we need to do is figure out a way to give both our fastest, but less complete response as well as our more deliberate, but more comprehensive response. Either way, our team is working diligently on fixing this issue, and we’re going to make it right for all of our customers. We value you business, and appreciate you giving us the chance to get it right.
Nix dagegen, daß man sich um seine Kunden kümmert. Doch der Mensch sollte mal die Seife aus dem Mund nehmen 🙂