witzig… Joi schreibt:
Reuters via News.Com: Web-only album wins Grammy , LOS ANGELES–Jazz composer Maria Schneider took home a Grammy on Sunday for her album „Concert in the Garden,“ without selling a single copy in a record store.
In a recent meeting with some studio execs, to the question of whether they had ever seen any „real“ music come out of Internet based alternative production models, they laughed and said no. To the question of whether it was possible in the future, they made a „unlikely“ gesture. If getting a Grammy doesn’t constitute a recognition of „real music“ I don’t know what does. I hope they don’t miss this stunning example of their misguided arrogance.
Neue Stellenangebote
Mitarbeiterin/einen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für den Bereich Social Media/Content-Creation Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz in Speyer |
Praktikum/Werkstudententätigkeit Videoerstellung und Social Media (SoSe 25) Festool Group in Wendlingen (bei Stuttgart) |
Marketing Manager – Social Media / SEO / Grafikdesign / CMS (m/w/d) reputatio AG in Pforzheim |
Social Media Content Creator:in (w/m/d) Arthrex GmbH in München |
Social Media Manager (m/w/d) Cannamedical Pharma GmbH in Köln |
Projektbetreuer – Social Media / Datenerfassung / Recherche / Kundenservice (m/w/d) deecoob GmbH in Dresden |