But what is Google Suggest? It’s a feature designed to make searching both faster and easier. Whether you are typing into the search box on Google Toolbar or Google.com, or the Omnibox in Google Chrome, Google Suggest guesses what you’re typing and offers suggestions in real time. So for example, if you type „bass,“ Google Suggest might offer a list of refinements that include „bass fishing“ or „bass guitar.“
For 98% of these requests, we don’t log any data at all and simply return the suggestions. For the remaining 2% of cases (which we select randomly), we do log data, like IP addresses, in order to monitor and improve the service.
However, given the concerns that have been raised about Google storing this information — and its limited potential use — we decided that we will anonymize it within about 24 hours (basically, as soon as we practically can) in the 2% of Google Suggest requests we use. This will take a little time to implement, but we expect it to be in place before the end of the month.
Finde ich prima, dass Unternehmen angesichts der Datenschutz-Debatten zunehmend verunsichert werden, bei Google kommt wohl nicht zuletzt ein möglicherweise drohendes AntiTrust-Verfahren hinzu. Und Unternehmen wie Google -denen Daten mehr wert sind als Gold und die wie die Cosa Nostra über ihre internen Geschäftsprozesse eigentlich eisern schweigen- werden Millimeter für Millimeter ins Licht gezerrt. Was will man mehr:))
via Rivva