In a white paper that outlines a five-pronged action plan aimed at slowing the phishing epidemic, Barrett said there’s a „significant set of [PayPal customers] who use very old and vulnerable browsers“ and made it clear that any browser that falls into the „unsafe“ category will be banned. „At PayPal, we are in the process of reimplementing controls which will first warn our customers when logging in to PayPal of those browsers that we consider unsafe. Later, we plan on blocking customers from accessing the site from the most unsafe—usually the oldest—browsers,“ he declared.
Hört sich hart an, aber:
According to a recent Gartner survey, 3.6 million adults lost $3.2 billion due to phishing attacks in 2007. The survey found PayPal and eBay among the most spoofed brands and that the average dollar loss per incident was in the range of $866 in 2007, down from $1,244 in 2006.
Und viele Webdesigner dürfte es freuen, da es mit Sicherheit Kunden erwischen wird, die mit einem Uralt-Browser rumsurfen. Btw, momentan würde auch der aktuelle Safari-Browser geblockt werden, sollte Apple nicht zeitig genug ein entsprechendes Update fahren. Update: Ist schon anscheinend angepasst seitens Apple.