Ars Technica beschreibt die neuen Features von Live Map, dabei fiel mir eine Funktion besonders ins Auge:
A feature that I find particularly interesting is one that the Live Maps team describes as „Neighborhood Subscribe via GeoRSS.“ Using this feature, you can zoom into any part of the map you like—for example, I chose my neighborhood of Wicker Park/Bucktown in Chicago—go into Explore mode (also new with this update), and click on „Subscribe to collections in this map.“ This lets you add an RSS feed of items and maps added to Live Maps by other people that apply to that area of the map. While this means that anything you see here has been added by other people (and therefore may not be interesting to you or notable at all, as most of the items in my feed turned out to be), it’s a pretty cool feature if you like being kept up-to-date with what’s going on in a specific part of town.
Irgendwie spannend:) Leider sehe ich diese Funktion nicht, nehme also an, dass man sie in den USA nutzen kann, hier noch nicht. Sieht so aus: