weiß jemand, um was es da genau geht? Siehe NY Times Artikel: Google Unveils ‘White Space’ Airwaves Plans
In comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission, the Internet leader outlined plans for low-power devices that use local wireless airwaves to access the „white space“ between television channels. A Google executive called the plan „Wi-Fi 2.0 or Wi-Fi on steroids.“… Rick Whitt, Google’s Washington telecom and media counsel, said this class of Wi-Fi devices could eventually offer data transmission speeds of billions of bits per second — far faster than the millions of bits per second available on most current broadband networks. Consumers could watch movies on wireless devices and do other things that are currently difficult on slower networks.
Hört sich irgendwie interessant an. Aber was meinen die mit „use local wireless airwaves to access the „white space“ between television channels“. Wer hat E-Technik intus?