sodele, habe nun das WordPress-Plugin Sabre installiert. Das Plugin klinkt sich in die Registrierungsmaske von WordPress ein und bietet unterschiedliche Maßnahmen, um Anmeldebots zu blockieren. Ihr könnt Euch jetzt wieder selbständig registrieren für die Speakers Corner.
Die Abwehrmaßnahmen von Sabre bestehen grundsätzlich aus vier Funktionen:
Captcha, mathematische Rechnung, E-Mail Bestätigung und interne Checks. Interne Checks? Ich zitier mal die ReadMe:
Click on the checkbox „Enable stealth test“ to activate a set of internal tests that try to detect if the current registration is done by a human being or not. These tests doesn’t interact with the user and run undetected for a regular human registration.
These tests include the following:
– Control that the registration form is loaded before the answer is sent to the server.
– Control that the IP adress of the requester is the same when the form is sent back.
– Control that the browser used to register has Javascript capabilities as many spambots lack them. You can choose to reject the registration in such case, clicking on the checkbox „Block if Javascript unsupported“.
– Control that the Javascript capability is not faked.
– Control that the registration is done within a maximum period of time. You can set this period (in seconds) under „Session time out“. Try to maintain this number as low as possible for security reasons but high enough to let a human fill the registration form. Default value is 5 minutes (300 seconds).
– Control that the registration form is possibly filled by a human, in a minimum amount of time. A spambot will spend very little time to fill the form and send it to the server compared with human possibilities. You can set this minimum amount of time (in seconds) under „Speed limit“. Default value is 5 seconds.
– Control that IP address is not banned by DNSBL servers. You can turn on/off this control, clicking on the checkbox „Check DNS Blacklists“.
Auch sonst gefällt mir das Tool sehr gut, da jedes Feature einzeln justierbar ist. Habe hierzu lediglich die Rechnungsfunktion eingeschaltet und einige der stealth options aktiviert.