interessant, dass sich im Rahmen des Doubleclick-Deals zwei Senatoren wie folgt in einem Brief an die Federal Trade Comission (.pdf) (die den Kauf durch Google noch absegnen müssen, vergl. mit der deutschen Kartellbehörde) u.a. geäußert haben:
DoubleClick collects an enormous quantity of information on individual web users‘ preferences, and privacy advocates have expressed very serious concerns regarding the consequences of this data coming under the control of Google due to the fact that Google is the dominant internet search engine and can also track individuals‘ search requests. Therefore, we believe that this deal raises fundamental consumer privacy concerns worthy of serious scrutiny.
In sum, by virtue of its dominance of the Internet search market and its recent acquisitions, including last year’s acquisition of YouTube and its current planned acquisition of DoubleClick, Google is becoming the world’s most important Internet enterprise. After this acquisition, Google — already the dominant Internet search company — will also hold a leading position in video content, news, advertising and a myriad of other consumer services. Antitrust regulators need to be wary to guard against the creation of a powefil Internet conglomerate able to extend its market power in one market into adjacent markets, to the detriment of competition and consumers. We therefore urge that the FTC only approve this merger if it concludes, after a completing a comprehensive investigation, that this merger will not cause substantial injury to competition in the areas outlined above.
HERB KOHL ,Chairman Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights
ORRIN HATCH, Ranking Republican Member, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights
Mashable dazu: One can expect government interference in the marketplace from liberal Democrats, but someone like Orrin Hatch who claims to be pro-business and comes from the party of free market capitalism is showing a surprising lack of scruples on this matter.
Prinzipiell ist daran interessant, dass sich zwei „erzkapitalistische“ US Senatoren mit ihren Bedenken so explizit zu Wort melden, Lobbying hin, Lobbying her. Das Wort von US Senatoren hat in den USA ein hohes Gewicht.