klasse Service, einfach mal austesten: Song suchen (Liedname, Band…), Trefferliste, Song in Trefferliste anklicken, dann das Menue nutzen (geht mal zB auf „rate“)… ich bin angetan, vom schlichten und dennoch nützlichen Interface. So Anwendungen sind nach meinem Geschmack: nicht lange nachdenken, alles am richtigen Platz, kein Schnickschnack, aufrufen und nutzen.
Songza is the brainchild of 23-year-old Aza Raskin — the president of Chicago-based software company Humanized, Inc., and the son of Apple Macintosh founder Jef Raskin. Over the course of a month, he and Humanized’s Web/Systems Architect Scott Robbin worked weekends to bring the idea to life. The site launched on November 8, 2007 and instantly generated significant buzz around the world. Hundreds of bloggers and news writers have praised its elegant user interface, beautiful design, and all-around utility. Like all good ideas, both the concept and design came to Aza while he was in the shower….
Songza’s primary purpose is to illustrate how to provide content using a „humane interface“ — the term used by Jef Raskin to describe interfaces that reflect how people actually use software. Songza presents this concept through its clean, clutter-free design and transparent remote control. New features will be added in time.
Da man bei Songza anscheinend die YouTube API nutzt, um an die Sounds ranzukommen, kann es gut sein, dass YouTube hier bald abriegelt. Weitere Infos dazu auf Ajaxan.com. So oder so, ein Meisterwerk imho, was das Interface angeht.
Auf dem Weblog von Humanized, der Firma hinter Songza, versucht man das Prinzip zu erklären:
Songza is also an interface showcase. I’ve used the interface principles discussed here on the Humanized blog to design Songza to be humane, slick, and viral. Play with the interface for a bit, and you’ll find habituatable pie-menus instead of slow linear menus; an inviting design that uses only two icons, both of which act as illustrations for words; an incredibly high density of content and a correspondingly low amount of interaction; undo instead of warnings; and transparent messages that don’t break your train of thought.
Ironically, there’s a lot that went into making Songza so simply. Achieving such a high level of simplification required a lot of code, in part because we couldn’t just use standard widgets. It was worth it, though.
Btw, nette Blog-Idee, wie ihr vielleicht anhand dieses Blog-Eintrages feststellen werdet. Achtet mal auf die Sidebar links vom Artikel;) Ich sag mal „Gruppenposting“ etwas anders. Nix Großartiges, aber charmante Idee. Hm… die scheinen in der Tat treffend kreativ zu sein. Blog ist abonniert, prima Inhalte.
via vowe