lt. Techcrunch werden angeblich Aufrufe -aus China heraus- der Seiten Google Blogsearch, Yahoo Search und MSN Search ( auf die chinesische Suchmaschine Baidu umgeleitet.
Einige Kommentatoren haben das bestätigt. Eine allgemeinere Erklärung:
I lived in China (Beijing) for quite awhile and hosted my own dedicated servers at China Netcom data center. Here is the story with Baidu: It has a partnership with both China Netcom and China Telecom to redirect all invalid (or blocked) dns entries to baidu. In practice that’s how Baidu gets all of its users. What you see is probably not the change that Baidu made but a recent blocking of Google Blogsearch in China – and yes, this affects the whole mainland China (since China Netcom covers north and educational networks, while Telecom covers the rest).
ein anderer Kommentator meint:
I’m on China Telecom and while I can confirm that I haven’t been able to access YouTube today, I was able to reach the page just fine. Moreover, I was not redirected to Baidu from a Yahoo search as mentioned in a previous comment. The concept of an ISP defaulting URL entries to Baidu given a certain set of conditions would be interesting if we had more information substantiating it. The idea of the Chinese government manipulating the web to spite American web properties over the Dalai Lama is also amusing but, even if entirely possible, something we should not assume too quickly. Cheers.
Also, Ente, Fehlbedienung der Cisco-Router seitens der chinesischen Behörden oder was ist dran? Was btw ganz schön armselig ist: die Ressentiments der US-Guys vs. China aufgrund dieses reinen Gerüchts. Geht denen der Boppes auf Grundeis oder was ist da los?