Picnic 07 findet zur Zeit in Amsterdam statt. Vages About: PICNIC’07 isn’t just a conference. It’s a festival – a week of fresh, creative, innovative ideas. At this leading international event, creative minds from the worlds of media, entertainment, science and the arts convene from Monday 24 September to Saturday 29 September in Amsterdam.
Auf jeden Fall ist Bruno Giussani dort und livebloggt. Möchte gerne auf zwei spannende Berichte verweisen:
Weinberger, Keen and the question of authority in a miscellaneous world
u.a. heißt es:
Part of this regime of simplification was also a regime of implicitness. Implicit is the whole meaning and juice of life. When we read a newspaper, we can understand the metadata (bigger headline = more important, etc). But we get confused at the implicit vs explicit thing. Humans are not computers, you can’t press a button and make explicit everything that’s implicit (for example, I can’t be immediately explicit about my kids, that’s unsaid, that’s emotions, etc).
Social networks require us to make information explicit (when we create a profile and connect with people). Around this expliciteness (how you know a „friend“ etc) grows human flesh. That’s why Facebook is so successful.
Wikipedia appends a lot of notices and disclaimers to articles announcing the problems in articles („the neutrality of this article is disputed“ etc), so it’s willing to admit „this article is not very good“. That’s not something you will find in newspapers, because mistakes diminish their authority. That’s paper-based authority. And their unwilligness to be comfortable with human faillability will make that kind of authority less relevant. What we are doing now with the web, this pile of connected miscellaneous stuff, is that we are externalizing meaning.
Dave Weinberger ist wie gewohnt ein Denker, der einen zum Nachdenken bringt:))
Und auf diesen Artikel: Individual feelings, social graphs, global stories
Es geht um zwei Experimente, eins nennt sich WeFeelFine, das Blogs nach einem ganz bestimmten Muster scannt und Informationen visualisiert:
It scans the recently updated blogs for words like „I feel“ or „feeling“, and the sentences containing them, and the pictures connected with them, get collected (currently at a rate of 20’000 new feelings per day, for a total of over 9 million since the project began). The most common feeling is consistently „better“ („I feel better“), followed by „good“ and „bad“. …
Und Universe:
While WeFeelFine is about people’s individual feelings, Universe is about trying to find out if there are global stories that are affecting all of our lives. The project uses the metaphor of the starry sky to organize thousands of news feeds. „The news page is an outdated metaphor to present information, there are better ways, based on relations“, he says. In Harris‘ Universe, everything (every news item) can be selected to become the „center of the universe“ (screenshot left) and everything else will reposition itself based on its relation to that main node.
Dann kommt zB sowas raus, um mal einen visuellen Eindruck zu vermitteln, wie Infos dargestellt werden:
Gleich zwei Dinge vorweg: Universe lädt ein Java Applet und die Usability beider Tools ist nicht gerade easy zu nennen. Dennoch macht es Laune und bringt einen auf Ideen, wie man Informationen anders vermitteln kann. Sozusagen spielerischer.