schon wieder einer? Na ja, diesmal sind ein paar Schwergewichte an Bord. Laut Read Write Web:
The Board includes Lawrence Summers, former U.S. Treasury Secretary; Russell Hogg, former President and CEO of MasterCard International, Inc.; Franklin Raines, former CEO of Fannie Mae and former director of the Office of Management and Budget; David Pottruck, former CEO of Charles Schwab and David Golden, CFO of Revolution LLC and former Vice Chairman of JPMorgan. The company recently announced a $50 million Series B round of funding from Citi, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank and others.
Man möchte bei den Gebühren um das drei- vierfache unter den PayPal-Gebühren bleiben. Was auf alle Fälle schon mal ein Hit werden könnte: Money Exchange.
A new way to send and receive money online from other accountholders for FREE. MoneyExchange is an easy and secure way to exchange money with another MoneyExchange accountholder.
* Pay a friend for your share of the dinner bill.
* Request cash from your sister for Mom’s present.
* Collect contributions for an office party.
* Receive payment from online buyers.
Die Pressemeldung gibts hier >>. Wann soll die Party steigen? Revolution MoneyExchange launched in invitation-only beta form today and will be gradually expanded before being made available to all consumers later this year.
Eins ist aber imho bescheuert: der Name!
via Read Write Web