Packet Garden ist eine freie SW für Linux- und PC-Nutzer. Zeichnet die Surfbewegungen auf, erstellt daraus eine eigene 3D Welt, die man dann „erforschen“ kann.
Packet Garden captures information about how you use the internet and uses this stored information to grow a private world you can later explore. To do this, Packet Garden takes note of all the servers you visit, their geographical location and the kinds of data you access. Uploads make hills and downloads valleys, their location determined by numbers taken from internet address itself. The size of each hill or valley is based on how much data is sent or received. Plants are also grown for each protocol detected by the software; if you visit a website, an ‚HTTP plant‘ is grown. If you share some files via eMule, a ‚Peer to Peer plant‘ is grown, and so on.
Dabei soll das Tool nicht nach „Hause“ zu irgendeinem Anbieter telefonieren, die Daten sollen demnach privat bleiben. Hat das bereits jemand im Einsatz? Werde es mir anschauen.
via O’Reilly Radar