erstaunliche Aussage eines Ex-Googlers, der vormals für Google Pages und GDrive als Entwicklungschef verantwortlich war und nun zu Facebook wechselt, also einen sicheren Hafen verlässt und keinen Bock mehr auf Google hat:
A couple of months ago, after three years as a Google product manager, I decided to leave for Facebook. I am writing this note to spread Good News to all the friends I haven’t already overwhelmed with my enthusiasm: Facebook really is That company.
Which company? That one. That company that shows up once in a very long while — the Google of yesterday, the Microsoft of long ago. That company where large numbers of stunningly-brilliant people congregate and feed off each other’s genius. That company that’s doing with 60 engineers what teams of 600 can’t pull off. That company that’s on the cusp of Changing The World, that’s still small enough where each employee has a huge impact on the organization, where you think about working now and again, and where you know you’ll kick yourself in three years if you don’t jump on the bandwagon now, even after someone had told you that it was rolling toward the promised land. That company where everyone seems to be having the time of their life. (Justin Rosenstein)
Und es ist nicht der einzige High Potential, der zu Facebook wechselt, andere aus Yahoo und weiteren Topunternehmen sind ebenso rüber.
IF: So where else are people joining Facebook from these days?
JR: Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo (a lot from Yahoo), Amazon. Creme de la creme.
Facebook scheint sich wirklich zu machen, unglaublich. So klein auch die Chance ist, aus der Bundesliga in die Champions League aufzusteigen, aber sie scheinen es tatsächlich zu packen. Doch es ist immer noch ein weiter, ungewisser Weg.
Wie sagt es Justin im Interview?
On the startup side, there is a chance that you’ll be a huge success, but that probability is very small, whereas in large companies, the risk is much lower, but the opportunity for significant growth and impact is also much smaller. Facebook fills the sweet spot between those two extremes. The opportunity for impact is large, but it’s still a small company.
Bingo, genau das ist es wohl, was weitere Toptalente anziehen wird.
Man erfährt auch etwas über die Systemarchitektur, so zB über den News Feed, der nur eine Auswahl von Aktivitäten der Kontakte anzeigt:
The system that selects the right subset is impressive from both an AI perspective (with a ranking algorithm that uses signals based on user behavior throughout the site) and a systems perspective (efficiently processing 1.2 trillion story candidates every day).
1.2 TriBillionen Möglichkeiten? Netter Algo, würde nur zu gerne wissen, wie man die Möglichkeiten trichterartig eingrenzt. Brute Force wird das sowieso nicht sein zunächst. Ideen?
via Google Watchblog