das Geschäftsjahr von MS endet zum 30.06. Mal schauen, was einer der größten IT Konzerne der Welt gepackt hat.
Jahresumsatz: rund 51 Mrd USD
Gewinn nach Steuern: 14 Mrd USD
Microsoft unterteilt seine Geschäftstätigkeiten in 5 Bereiche:
Client (Client-Betriebssysteme, also Vista, XP…) , Server & Tools (Serverlizenzen für Windows Server und SQL Server), , Online Services Business (Suche, Hotmail, IM, MSN Portal), Microsoft Business Division (MS Office-Produkte) und Entertainment & Devices Division (XBox, PC Spiele, Konsolenspiele, Zune, Automotive, …)
Client: 15 Mrd Umsatz (+14%), 11 Mrd operatives Ergebnis [+13%] (wow, was eine Ratio…). Die Betriebssystemsparte läuft trotz aller Unkenrufe blendend.
Client revenue increased primarily reflecting licensing of Windows Vista. OEM revenue increased $1.46 billion or 13% driven by 13% growth in OEM license units while revenue from commercial and retail licensing of Windows operating systems increased $422 million or 21%. During the year, the OEM Premium Mix increased 16 percentage points to 68%. Based on our preliminary estimates, total worldwide PC shipments from all sources grew 10% to 12% driven by demand in both emerging and mature markets.
Server & Tools: 11.2 Mrd Umsatz (+16%), 3.9 Mrd operatives Ergebnis (+29%)
This increase was primarily driven by increased revenue associated with SQL Server, Windows Server, and Visual Studio. The results reflect broad adoption of Windows Server products, especially SQL Server which grew over 20%. Consulting, Premier, and Professional product support services revenue increased $404 million or 24% primarily due to higher demand for Premier services in corporate enterprises.
Online: 2.5 Mrd Umsatz (+8%), 732 Mio operativer Verlust. Verglichen zu Google ist das Ergebnis schlichtweg peinlich:) Aber? Microsoft hat bei den Werbeeinnahmen recht gut zugelegt:
OSB revenue increased driven primarily by advertising revenue which grew $314 million or 21% to $1.84 billion. This increase was primarily due to growth in advertising for search, home page, email, and messaging services. The increase in advertising revenue was partially offset by a $156 million or 31% decrease in access revenue. At June 30, 2007, we estimate that OSB had over 310 million active Hotmail accounts and over 280 million Messenger accounts. OSB operating loss increased driven primarily by increased cost of revenue which grew $352 million or 45% and increased headcount-related costs as a result of continued search and advertising platform investments. The increase in cost of revenue was primarily driven by increased data center costs, online content expenses, and royalties. Headcount-related costs increased 30%, driven by a 12% increase in headcount and an increase in salaries and benefits for existing headcount.
Office-Produkte u.a.: 16.4 Mrd Umsatz (+13%), 10.8 Mrd operatives Ergebnis (+13%)
MBD revenue increased primarily reflecting licensing of the 2007 Microsoft Office system. Revenue from consumer sales increased $371 million or 11% while revenue from business sales increased $1.54 billion or 14%. The increase in business revenue includes a 21% increase in Microsoft Dynamics customer billings
Entertainment: 6.1 Mrd Umsatz (+28%), 1.9 Mrd USD Verlust (+47%), wobei alleine 1 Mrd auf Rückstellungen zurückzuführen sind, die wegen defekter XBOX-Konsolen möglicherweise realisiert werden (Garantie, Red Ring of Death).