ich habe keine Ahnung, was diese Datenvisualisierung von MySpace besagt, aber es sieht cool aus, was Felix Heinen (sieht aus wie der kleine Bruder von Wirres:) da hinbekommen hat:
Wenn ich es rchtig verstanden habe, ist dieses Jungtalent noch frei, also liebe Firmen, haltet Euch ran;) Und wehe, Ihr zahlt zu schlecht, dass blogge ich:))
Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Felix Heinen, I‘m 26 years old, and I come from Germany. In Spring 2007 I finished my graphic design studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg. After a few years of study and several international and national internships, I want to apply for a job as a graphic designer.
Besides studying, I have worked as a freelancer for various advertising and design agencies, to get as much on-the-job training as possible, and to gain a wide range of experience. So far, I have been hired to do extended practical training at several renowned agencies, these include Jung von Matt in Hamburg, Germany and Floate Design Partners in Melbourne, Australia. Clients I have worked for include global players such as BMW, Sensis, the Australian Government, Engin and Germany´s largest newspaper »Bild«. I have also worked for the University of Passau, Germany.
via Blogbote & Agenturblog