ein sehr leckeres, umfangreiches Plugin. Dessen Funktionsweise man sich am besten auf dieser Seite anschauen kann. Einfach dort in die Kommentare gehen, schon wirds klar, was das Teil macht. Das Kommentarformular wurde um mehrere Bewertungsfelder erweitert. Die dann nachher pro Posting kumuliert werden zu einem Rating (x positive Reviews, y negative Reviews).
Das Teil nennt sich WordPress Review Site Plugin und ist von Dan Grossman erstellt worden. Funktionen + Beschreibung:
The DG Review Site (DGRS) plugin for WordPress allows you to turn your blog into a powerful review engine. It’s flexible in design and presentation so you could use it as an additional interaction feature for your blog to collect reviews of your posts, or to drive a product/service review site where your users contribute the reviews.
* Define categories of ratings you wish to collect, the minimum and maximum rating, and the display order of your rating categories.
* Collect ratings along with every comment.
* Display ratings collected for each comment.
* Display average rating from all collected ratings for a post.
* Display the number of positive or negative ratings for each post (50% or higher overall rating based on your scale).
* Manage rating categories easily from your WordPress admin options tab.
* Define HTML to appear before and after rating labels and inputs easily from your WordPress admin options tab — no complicated function arguments.
* Drop-in to any existing blog to add ratings. Simply doesn’t display anything for comments or posts that didn’t include ratings.
* Flexible enough to be used as a post rating system, or to drive an entire rating & review site built on WordPress, depending entirely on how you customize the output.
wenn man sich die Kommentare anschaut, scheint es n.n. 100% stabil zu sein (kann auch am User liegen). Also keine zu hohen Erwartungen, immerhin schaut es vielversprechend aus.