TDO Mini Forms ist ein nettes Plugin für WordPress und macht viele Dinge mE einfacher: This is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to add a form to your website that allows non-registered users and/or subscribers (configurable) to submit posts. The posts are then in „draft“? until an admin can publish them.
Die User werden dann benachrichtigt, wenn der Beitrag publiziert worden ist. Cool, oder? Darauf haben wohl einige bereits gewartet.
Und der Macher denkt schon weiter:
* The ability to add customised custom fields as inputs on the form.
* The ability to allow submitters to edit their own posts using the same form.
* The ability to upload something along with the post and to manage those downloads using an admin panel.
* Integration with the Ultimate Tag Master so that submitters can tag their submissions.
* Allowing more than one default category and/or picking a parent category and allowing the submitter choose one or more sub categories (and even suggest new ones).
* More fields such as splitting text into „Content and Extended Content (i.e. before and after the more-tag.
* Allowing users claim posts they submitted anonymously.
* Having more than one configured form (useful if you have need of posts with different categories and/or custom fields).
* Improved options such as using user roles instead of user levels and more precise options for email notifications.
* A button on the WordPress UI edit post (or page) to add the form to the post.
* Allow customised descriptions to each field in a form.
* Allow more customisation for the forms and emails including but not limited to configurable size of content form and possibly „small“? and „large“? panes.
* Auto trust user i.e. after some configurable number of posts of theirs have been published, set the user to trusted.
* Integration with some spam tool to prevent or manage future spam issues.
* The ability to „post“? to links.
* Optional integration with WordPress“ IP ban list
via Webdesignblog