Harvard Business Review: Do Customer Communities Pay Off?
The increased buying and selling activity of enthusiasts and lurkers generated approximately 56% more in sales during the year that our experiment ran than in the previous one. With a take rate (the fraction of sales that eBay earns as revenue) of 10.3% and a gross margin of 82%, eBay earned several million dollars in profit from the increased trading behavior of the community participants in the experiment. Our results show that customer communities pay off handsomely for eBay and suggest that any online company will benefit from nurturing its communities. It seems plausible that investments in customer communities by bricks-and-mortar companies will reap similar rewards—but the jury’s still out.
Siehe auch dazu das Manager-Magazin: Mehr Profit mit Communities
Viele Unternehmen binden ihre Kunden mithilfe von Online-Gemeinschaften. Diese Gruppen können den Gewinn eines Unternehmens erheblich steigern, wie eine umfassende Studie am Beispiel von Ebay Deutschland zeigt.