das ist eine typische Präsentation:
Die Seite SlideShare sieht aus wie YouTube, aber es sind wirklich nur freie (!) Präsentation (Powerpoint,..) drin. Wie man es sich denken kann, geht das alles mittels Tags, Popular, Feeds und pipapo. Web 2.0-Standards sozusagen *chuckles*.
# What is SlideShare?
SlideShare is a free service for sharing presentations and slideshows. You can upload your PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentations, tag them, embed them into your blog or website, browse others‘ presentations, and comment on individual slides. It’s a great way to share your ideas with others, or to learn from other people. And it’s free.# What kind of presentation files does SlideShare support?
We currently support PowerPoint (PPT and PPS formats), and OpenOffice (ODP format).
Ein Blog gibts auch.
Of course one of the coolest uses for SlideShare is to direct your conference attendees to one link where all your presenters have uploaded their slides. Just as with Flickr photos, you tell your presenters to tag their decks with a specific keyword. Here’s an example: Dreamforce06 (a Salesforce.com conference).
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