Digitale Reputation ist schon längst kein Fremdwort mehr. Und es war war eigentlich zu erwarten, dass es einen Schutzbedarf vor negativen Auswirkungen gibt, den man kommerzialisieren kann. Es gibt nun tatsächlich ein US-Firma, die anbietet, Deine Dir unangenehmen Spuren im Netz zu verwischen. Reputation Defender nennt sich die Firma. Mashable: … Founded by a top-notch team that includes a Harvard Law School graduate and a former presidential campaign speech writer, and with an advisory board that includes a Law Professor, an MIT grad and other notables,…
Wie läuft das ab? Eigenbeschreibung:
First, we SEARCH. We scour the Internet to dig up every possible piece of information about you and present it in an interactive monthly report. You can view this report by email or by logging into our site. This information is detailed in straightforward categories, including:
* Social networks (MySpace, Facebook, LiveJournal, Bebo, and more);
* Professional review websites;
* Blogs;
* Online news sources;
* Photograph, video, and audio sharing sites (Flickr, YouTube, etc.); and,
* Millions of additional sites on the „open Internet.“Next, we DESTROY. You can select any content from your report that you don’t like. This is where we go to work for you.
Our trained and expert online reputation advocates use an array of proprietary techniques developed in-house to correct and/or completely remove the selected unwanted content from the web. This is an arduous and labor-intensive task, but we take the job seriously so you can sleep better at night. We will always and only be in YOUR corner.
Was kostet der „Spaß“?
* A 6-month membership gives you detailed and categorized monthly Search Reports for $15.95/month.
* A 12-month membership gives you detailed and categorized monthly Search Reports for $12.95/month. SAVE 23%!
* A 24-month membership gives you detailed and categorized monthly Search Reports for $9.95/month. BEST VALUE! SAVE 60%!
* In addition, you can receive a FURTHER 15% off the monthly price of your membership by paying for the full membership upfront. SAVE UP TO 75% OFF THE BASE MONTHLY PRICE!
* These prices are backed by ReputationDefender’s money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your service, you can cancel at any time and receive a pro-rated refund!
* If we find an item of online content you don’t like, we’ll carry out our proprietary DESTROY process for you on that item for the one-time low fee of $29.95. This is where the rubber hits the road. It is an arduous and time-consuming process for our team of specialists, but we work hard so you can sleep better at night. You don’t pay this till you command us to DESTROY unwanted online content.