We at Edelman believe that in a world where conversation is king, it’s critical that our global PR teams be able listen to the conversation not only in English but in their local languages. It’s essential for our clients. With this in mind, the me2revolution team at Edelman, which I am part of, has formed a relationship with Technorati to fast-track the development of localized versions of their offering in German, Korean, Italian, French and Chinese. Our PR teams worldwide will retain exclusive use of these sites as they are being developed, beginning with French this summer…This is the first in what we hope will be a series of collaborations with the Technorati team. It is designed to help our clients participate in global conversations. In addition to working with Technorati, we also plan to align ourselves with other companies that are developing outstanding technologies that will help us further this important goal.
Wolfgang Lünenbürger-Reidenbach, September 2006:
Im Rahmen unserer Kooperation mit Technorati, die am 12. Oktober hier in Deutschland vorgestellt werden wird, untersuchen wir zurzeit, wie Themen und Unternehmen in den Top-Blogs verschiedener Länder vorkommen. Das Erstaunliche ist dabei aus meiner Sicht zum einen, dass es wirklich ganz gewaltige Unterschiede zwischen den Ländern gibt… Und zum anderen, dass die Geschichte mit dem Long Tail, also dem dicken Ende, den vielen Kleinen, die zusammen so groß sind, wirklich stimmt.
Dann mal gespannt, was die Dataminer herausgefunden haben wollen.