so sehen sie aus, die sogenannten Get & Go Express Stores von Jeff Parsons:
Das Besondere? „When you talk about margins, right now across the board, we“re running at 60-62 percent profit margins,“? Parsons said, comparing them to the 30-40 percent margins of a regular c-store… Get & Go Express, through its vending machines, sells the majority of top-selling c-store products, including sodas, foods and salty snacks.
Er kauft billig ein: He circumvented the normal wholesale mark-ups on items like soda by using third-party manufactured vending machines and stocked them with beverages from discounters like Sam“s Club.
Er baut billig auf: He said a new Get & Go costs $150,000 to build, a tiny fraction of a normal c-store. It also doesn“t need the traditional c-store space, requiring 500 square feet or less to operate.
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via O’Reilly, das fragt, ob die Verdrängung „bemannter“ Supermärkte ökonomish zwingend sein wird?