Hugo Martin berichtet über die Vereinbarung zwischen Electronic Arts (führender Game-Anbieter) und zwei spezialisierten Werbeagenturen. In dem Pressetetxt (.pdf) heisst es:
The dynamic execution allows for in-game advertising elements to be updated and changed in real-time, keeping the advertising fresh and relevant for gamers. EA“s development teams work closely with Massive to ensure that advertising is placed in areas that fit within the game environment. Additional EA titles will offer dynamic ad serving capabilities as a result of the strategic relationship with Massive.. The agreement with Massive is a first step in a detailed strategy for serving advertising in a seamless format that doesn“t disrupt game play,“? said Chip Lange EA“s vice president of online commerce. „In places like a basketball court, football stadium or roadside in a racing game advertising is not only nice to have, but it“s an essential component to create the fiction of being there. This agreement with Massive allows us to vary what relevant ads are served to the game player.
Ok, sprich, wenn wird es freuen?
Waffenhändler: Einmal die Heckler&Koch Kinderpistole bitte (3D Shooter)
Drogendealer: Frische Fische aus Drogenbarons Klitsche (Dschungelgames)
Pornohändler: Dolly reissfest (wenn mal wieder der Reifen platzt)
Lebensversicherungen: Headshot oder Kohle (wenn man wieder mal abgenippelt ist)
Airlines: Flieg lieber mit Singapore Airlines (wenn man mit der F16 über Iran abgeschossen wird)
Neue Stellenangebote
Marketing Manager – Social Media / SEO / Grafikdesign / CMS (m/w/d) reputatio AG in Pforzheim |
Social Media Content Creator:in (w/m/d) Arthrex GmbH in München |
Social Media Manager (m/w/d) Cannamedical Pharma GmbH in Köln |
Projektbetreuer – Social Media / Datenerfassung / Recherche / Kundenservice (m/w/d) deecoob GmbH in Dresden |
Social Media / Media Manager (m/w/d) Kreiskliniken Reutlingen gGmbH in Reutlingen |
Referent Marketing Social Media (m/w/d) DEKRA Automobil GmbH in 70565 Stuttgart |