Vertan: Bei einem derartigen Einschlag möchte ich nicht danebenstehen. Andere Leute in anderen Ländern haben so einen brutalen Anschlag viel eher zu fürchten. – Hat Israel nicht kürzlich bunkerbrechende Bomben von US-Amerika geliefert bekommen?
Coole Sache, das Teil, kann ich so Spielzeug auch bekommen oder werde ich dann gleich als Terrorist gejagt? Hm… nur der Gewinner hat recht 🙂
Passend dazu, wenn ich mal den Sarkasmus zur Seite schiebe, ein wunderbarer Artikel von Jonvon i am afraid, der genau das ausdrückt, was ich auch empfinde. Auszug:
i am afraid that countries with large, well trained, well funded armies will continue to kill en masse, with little discrimination, with cluster bombs and other weapons of mass civilian (that’s us) destruction.
i am afraid that terrorists will continue to get smarter and wage war more effectively. there is an old saying, from the bible, that lizards can be found in the palaces of kings. (you can have all the power in the whole world, but you cannot even keep small, seemingly powerless creatures out of your home, however secure you imagine it to be.)
i am afraid that religion will continue to be used by all sides as a reason to kill innocent people. and it will continue to be used as a tool to control the populace.
i am afraid that it is not really about religion, or the object of religious practice, but about money, and power, and ignorance, and about cultural myopia and about extreme, blind arrogance in high places masqerading as righteousness, cloaked in sound bites and slogans and religious hysteria and fear and patriotism.
i am afraid that everyone looks bad, and everyone is looking worse and worse all the time.
i am afraid that more and more, people are listening to each other less and less.