die Business Week hat einen umfangreichen Artikel über Kevin Rose verfasst, dem Gründer von Digg.com, der Newsseite, die immer man an Schwung gewinnt und mittlerweile (nach knapp 1.5 Jahren) zu den meistbesuchten US-Seiten gehört:
two years earlier, Rose had gambled on his idea to change newsgathering, letting the masses „dig up“ the most interesting stories on the Web and vote them onto his online „front page“ on Digg.com. Rose had given every last piece of himself to the project — all his time, all his cash, and even his girlfriend, who fought with him after he poured his savings into Digg instead of a downpayment on a house. Today, Digg, Version 3, the one that would go beyond tech news to include politics, gossip, business, and videos, was going live. At 29, Rose was on his way either to a cool $60 million or to total failure…. So far, Digg is breaking even on an estimated $3 million annually in revenues. Nonetheless, people in the know say Digg is easily worth $200 million.
via Micro Persuasion