für die Nachwelt zum Festhalten, wie sich die Hohe Kunst der Reduktion von Komplexitäten bei Regierungschefs in der Praxis angewandt intellektuell und sprachlich niederschlägt oder besser gesagt, sich anhört (bei 1:42 gehts los..):
(Mann, was der Bush für ein Bauer ist, unglaublich…)
BBC Übersetzung des mit vollem Mund sprechenden US-Chiefs:
Bush: And thanks for the sweaters – I know you picked em out yourself…
Blair: Oh yes absolutely – in fact I knitted it!!!
(laughter)Bush: What about Kofi Annan – he seems all right. I don’t like his ceasefire plan. His attitude is basically ceasefire and everything sorts out…. But I think…
Blair: Yeah the only thing I think is really difficult is that we can’t stop this without getting international presence agreed. I think what you guys have talked about which is the criticism of the [inaudible word]. I am perfectly happy to try and see what the lie of the land is, but you need that done quickly because otherwise it will spiral.Bush: Yeah I think Condi’s [US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice] gonna go soon.
Blair: Well that’s all that matters but if you… You see at least it gets it going.Bush: I agree it’s a process…I told her your offer too.
Blair: Well it’s only if she needs the ground prepared as it were. If she goes out she HAS to succeed whereas I can just go and…Bush: You see the irony is what they need to is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s all over…
Blair: Dunno… Syria….Bush: Why?
Blair: Because I think this is all part of the same thing…Bush: (with mouth full of bread) Yeah
Blair: Look – what does he think? He thinks if Lebanon turns out fine. If you get a solution in Israel and Palestine. Iraq goes in the right wayBush: Yeah – he’s [indistinct] Blair: Yeah…. He’s had it. That’s what all this is about – it’s the same with Iran
Bush: I felt like telling Kofi to call, to get on the phone to Assad and make something happen.
Blair: YeahBush: [indistinct] blaming Israel and [indistinct] blaming the Lebanese government….
Eine Script zu dem Teil vor Kofi gibts bei Problematik.net: george bush: yo blair how are you doing?