Marcus Find, der Inhaber von berichtet über das Werden der heutigen Dating-Megasite, u.a.: My short description leaves a lot out, but basically I spent every waking minute when I wasn’t at my day job reading, studying, and learning. I picked out „enemies“ and did everything I could to defeat them which ment being bigger then them. I refused to accept defeat of any kind, and I constantly forced myself to test new things. I never tried to perfect anything it didn’t matter if things didn’t work 100% as long as it was good enough I would move onto the next thing. In 2003 the dating market was growing 80% a year unlike the -10% in 2006 so growth was a LOT easier. When 2004 rolled around and word of mouth REALLY kicked in and as they say the rest is history.
I look back now at how ill prepared I was, I didn’t know anything about SEO, Advertising, community and I didn’t even know what Venture Capital was. Just goes to show you anyone can do anything.
via best practice business
Burkhard betont eine Erkenntnis, die viele selbst beim Bloggen nicht wahrhaben wollen: Wenn man sich das Design seiner Webseite anschaut, dann weiss man, dass schönes Desgin kein Erfolgsfaktor für eine Webseite sein muss. Denn einen Schöhnheitspreis bekommt er dafür sicherlich nicht.
Neue Stellenangebote
Social Media Werkstudent – Content / SEO / Home Office (m/w/d) metergrid GmbH in Hamburg, Bundesweit, Homeoffice |
Mitarbeiter:in im Bereich Kommunikation und Social Media (m/w/d) Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation in Heidelberg |
Security Analyst (m/w/d) für Social Media und Digital Listening Dirk Rossmann GmbH in Burgwedel bei Hannover |