You wrote a lot about permission marketing and the advantages of dialogues. Can you tell us why you shut down your comment area in your blog? And is a blog still a blog without the idea of dialogue?
Seth Godin:
Okay, first of all, I NEVER had comments. I put them on one post. So „shut down“? isn“t fair. Second, a blog is whatever you want it to be. How dare someone tell you you can“t have a blog if you don“t fit their definition of it! What about boingboing and postsecret? Both are in the top 10 and neither takes comments. The whole thing is silly. I have a dialogue with 200 or more people a day“¦ by email, which is non-anonymous and focused and manageable. Try that with JD Salinger“¦
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Projektbetreuer – Social Media / Datenerfassung / Recherche / Kundenservice (m/w/d) deecoob GmbH in Dresden |
Social Media / Media Manager (m/w/d) Kreiskliniken Reutlingen gGmbH in Reutlingen |
Marketing Manager – Social Media / SEO / Grafikdesign / CMS (m/w/d) reputatio AG in Pforzheim |
Das ist auch der Grund, warum ich Seth seltenst lese, zumal ich auch seine Aussagen für mehr oder minder superlangweilig erachte, aber das ist ein anderes Thema.
Neue Stellenangebote
Projektbetreuer – Social Media / Datenerfassung / Recherche / Kundenservice (m/w/d) deecoob GmbH in Dresden |
Social Media / Media Manager (m/w/d) Kreiskliniken Reutlingen gGmbH in Reutlingen |
Marketing Manager – Social Media / SEO / Grafikdesign / CMS (m/w/d) reputatio AG in Pforzheim |
Social Media Content Creator:in (w/m/d) Arthrex GmbH in München |
Social Media Manager (m/w/d) Cannamedical Pharma GmbH in Köln |
Referent Marketing Social Media (m/w/d) DEKRA Automobil GmbH in 70565 Stuttgart |