das ist doch ein Joke, oder? Kann nur ein Joke sein… lol.. wie genial, was da passiert sein soll während dem Spiel Niederlande – Elfenbeinküste und wie dumm der WM-Sponsor Budweiser nun dasteht.
Aber der Reihe nach, BBC über den trés bizarre Vorfall:
Up to 1,000 Dutch fans watched their side play Ivory Coast in their underpants on Friday after they were denied entry to Stuttgart’s stadium for wearing orange trousers with the name of a Dutch brewery which was not an official sponsor. Faced with missing the game or ditching their orange lederhosen – given away by the brewery – they made the obvious choice. Fifa officials said the trousers were an attempt at so-called ambush marketing – where a company tries to gain free publicity – and that they had to act to protect the interests of sponsors.
LOL, das ist die Hit-Story der gesamten WM 2006, was den gesamten Komplex Sponsoren-Schwachsinn angeht!!! Ich mach mir gleich in die Hosen .-))) Klar, die FIFA-Aufpasser deuten Richtung Ambush-Marketing, aber hey, wer zieht den Fans schon die Hosen aus? Oh my… *Luft hol, lachend am Poden wälzend*
Ende vom Lied: Die erbosten Fans haben nun zusammen mit Deutschen eine BudOut Webseite ins Leben gerufen. BL Ochman:
A thousand soccer fans who were forced to watch a match in their underpants have a priceless story to tell everyone they know; Germans have set up an anti-Bud website, Bud Out, and Germans call Bud a name that translates to dishwater. It’s a PR nightmare for Bud, which seems not to realize that when people say something bad about your brand, it usually means there is something you need to change.
The scandal is just the latest in what could be called a PR nightmare for Budweiser, which paid $40 million for the World Cup beer monopoly. Fans don’t like the beer, Adrants reports. The Germans call it Spuelwasser, which roughly translates as dishwater, according to The Nation. Germans have even set up an anti-Bud website – Bud Out.