per Plugin Useless Stats zu diesem Blog:
* First post was made on 05.07.2004.
* This blog is 1 year, 346 days old.
* Average of 14.43 posts per day in the past week.
* Average of 11.20 posts per day in the past month.
* Average of 5.88 posts per day since the start of the blog.
* Average of 3.83 comments per post in the past week.
* Average of 5.00 comments per post in the past month.
* Average of 3.41 comments per post since the start of the blog.
Sunday: 375 (8%)
Monday: 713 (17%)
Tuesday: 791 (18%)
Wednesday: 686 (16%)
Thursday: 761 (18%)
Friday: 551 (13%)
Saturday: 307 (7%)
Kommentaraufkommen pro Artikel
Sunday: 3.23
Monday: 3.33
Tuesday: 3.26
Wednesday: 3.58
Thursday: 3.18
Friday: 3.68
Saturday: 3.90