wie man an vielen Stellen lesen konnte, haben sich Yahoo und eBay auf eine strategische Partnerschaft eingelassen. Yahoo Finance:
Yahoo, the world’s largest Internet media company, will become the exclusive provider of online banners and other graphic advertising on eBay, and provide some search services within eBay’s site to connect buyers to items they seek. In return, Yahoo will promote PayPal, EBay’s popular online payment system used by 73 million U.S. consumers, as a way for Yahoo’s hundreds of thousands of affiliated Web sites and small business owners to conduct transactions online. The deal — rumblings of which were widely known in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street — stops short of an outright merger. But it reflects the growing need for the biggest Internet companies to consolidate their various operations in the face of a mounting four-way competition and slowing growth rates.
Ob das nun eine Schutzmaßnahme gegen Google sei, wie man ebenso an vielen Stellen nachlesen kann, sprich ist das der primäre Grund?
The agreed alliance is a response to inroads by Google’s popular Web search system in setting the terms of where consumers go to shop, entertain or inform themselves. This competitive dynamic is forcing every major Internet player to consider joining forces instead of trying to go it alone.
Hm… wo soll jetzt nochmal der Vorteil liegen?
„It’s a very positive move for both, since eBay gets to monetize its traffic with advertising,“ Susquehanna analyst Marianne Wolk said. „For Yahoo, it significantly broadens their search“ audience, she said. Under the pact, which gives Yahoo access to eBay’s vast base of online shoppers, the companies will begin to roll out their joint initiatives this year. The tie-up seeks to make it easier for buyers to search for items for sale on eBay, while being careful not to offend sellers with competing ads. Now, when an eBay customer fails to locate what he or she wants, a Yahoo search ad could appear.
Ok, habe ich immer noch nicht verstanden, worin nunmehr der Vorteil liegt bzw. das Pro-Argument für die Partnerschaft. eBay ist ein Marktplatz für kaufwillige Kunden und Händler mit den passenden Artikeln, teils gar in Personalunion. Yahoo liefert Content ohne Ende. Und Google dominiert den Suchmaschinenmarkt, Content zu finden.
So mal am Rande, schon heavy:
EBay depends on paid search advertising to drive bidders to its auctions and sales. Officials say the company bids on up to 15 million keyword search terms at all three of the major Web search advertising suppliers — Google, Yahoo and Microsoft — making it one of the world’s biggest customers for search ads.