irgendwie interessant: Man packe alte Ideen in neue Schläuche. So werte ich die zunehmenden Produktwikis, die es dem Leser ernöglichen, ihre Meinungen abzugeben. Auf die Produktwikis bezieht sich ausführlich Exciting-Commerce anlässlich eines Artikels in der Financial Times „Everyone’s an Editor as Wiki Fever Spreads to Shopping Sites“
MILLIONS of people have lent their wisdom — or their perceived wisdom, at least — to Wikipedia’s online articles, helping to make it one of the more talked-about Web sites in recent years. Now and the people who built the online advertising pioneer DoubleClick are hoping millions more will wax authoritative about toasters, fondue pots and lawn mowers., developed by two DoubleClick founders, officially introduced its site last week after several months of testing, while Amazon pulled the „beta“ tag off its own wiki offering earlier this month (Amazon’s ProductWikis — or invitations to write them — are found on product pages below customer reviews). Both take a page from Wikipedia, where online denizens may write on any subject and also overwrite anyone else’s comments if they think they can do better, or if they are just feeling ornery.
Weitere Produktwikis: PBWiki, WikiTravel und Wiki66, ProductWiki und TripAdvisor.
Warum soll der Ansatz aber anders als die dieser Welt sein? Die NYTimes:
Wikipedia obliges its contributors to keep their opinions to themselves or face editing by staff members. Both ShopWiki and the Amazon wiki want contributors to tread a similar line; this distinguishes the genre from, say, the familiar product reviews that users submit to Amazon and other shopping sites. „These should be written from the point of view of a really great salesperson,“ said Kevin P. Ryan, ShopWiki’s chief executive and a former chief executive of DoubleClick. „It should be totally objective, like, ‚Tell me in three minutes what I should be thinking about when it comes to buying refrigerators.'“
Doch das muss nicht unbedingt der Knaller sein:
„When you tell a community they can only say these sorts of things and at this volume, it doesn’t work,“ Ms. Shipley said. „If you don’t let people be people and be real, they’ll just go somewhere else.“ Jimmy Wales, the founder of, noted that wiki-centric communities were difficult to cultivate. „You’re seeing a lot of people throwing up a wiki and saying ‚Oooh, now we’ll magically get all this stuff,'“ Mr. Wales said. „But it’s not about the software.“
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