der Gewinner des Preises (wird immer nur an Presse/Journalisten vergeben, insofern ist auch der betreffende Online-Auftritt der einer Zeitung), über die Ehre:
The Times-Picayune won two Pulitzer Prizes Monday, including a gold medal for meritorious public service, for the newspaper’s coverage of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. The newspaper also received a Pulitzer Prize for distinguished reporting of breaking news. Both prizes were awarded to the newspaper’s staff…. In the immediate aftermath of the storm, The Times-Picayune“s continuously updated online blog, as well as its online editions of the paper posted each night on its affiliated Web site,, became the source of information for more than a million area residents who had evacuated, and for much of the world.
In his remarks, Amoss acknowledged the contribution of the staff at, „who were integral to everything we published, and made us an around-the-clock vital link to readers scattered across the nation.“? Visits, or „hits,“? to Times-Picayune pages on, increased from an average of about 800,000 page views a day before Katrina to more than 30 million page hits a day in the days after the storm. Excerpts from those blogs, as well as stories from the online editions of the paper, made up a portion of both of the newspaper“s winning entries.
via Buzzmachine
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