the Winners are:
Weblog of the Year 2006: Post Secret
Best Podcast: The Movie Blog
Best Photography Blog: Flickr Blog
Best Craft Blog: Make: Blog
Best Food Blog: Vegan Lunch Box
Best Entertainment Blog: Go Fug Yourself
Best Politics Blog: Wonkette
Best Web Development Blog: ProBlogger
Best Computer Technology Blog: Slashdot
Best Topical Blog: Post Secret
Best GLBT Blog: Queerty
Best Teen Blog: It’s Raining Noodles!
Best Humor Blog: Overheard in New York
Best writing of a Blog: Go Fug Yourself
Best Group Blog: BoingBoing
Best Community Blog: PostSecret
Best Designed Blog:
Best Kept Secret Blog: Needcoffee
Best New Blog: PostSecret
Lifetime Achievement: BoingBoing
Beste, regionale Blogs
Neuseeland: Loobylu
Asien: Tokyo Girl
Afrika: Bagdad Burning
Europa: My Boyfriend Is a Twat
England/Irland: Girl With a One-Track Mind
Lateinamerika: Cooking Diva
Kanada: Photojunkie
USA: Post Secret
Möglicherweise sind einige Blogs dabei, die Ihr nicht kennt. Viel Spaß beim Absurfen!