hat jemand das MicroWiki 2.0 von Asymptomatic.net schon mal getestet? Hört sich nicht dumm an:
MicroWiki integrates with WordPress. In this most recent pass, I switched around my philosophy as to how this would be done. „Integration“? for our purposes means this: MicroWiki uses WordPress“ database connection and user authentication, and has access to any functions that are usually defined when accessing a WordPress page.
So when you install MicroWiki and choose the „WordPress“? User Registration option, it“ll create its tables in your WordPress database, and it will allow only the users with „wiki_edit“? capabilities to edit your wiki. And if you do something crazy like include a PHP file into one of your wiki pages, it will have access to all of the WordPress functions. Depending how you look at it, this could be easier than building a whole plugin to create a page.