nicht doof die Idee, wenn MyYahoo-User Deinen Feed abonniert haben:
We leave the following information for each of your feeds in your log files.
* the number of „active“ subscribers
* total page views for those subscribers
Note: This data represents a rolling 30 day period and therefore a smaller set of users than „all subscribers“ to your content. Currently, this data updates weekly.
If you look at your log files, you will see this data attached to the following user agent – „YahooFeedSeeker.“
Here is an example of access log information: – – [23/Mar/2004:08:13:30 -0800]
„GET /blog/rss2.xml HTTP/1.0“ 304 – „-“
„YahooFeedSeeker/1.0 (compatible; Mozilla 4.0;
MSIE 5.5;;
users 236; views 36994)“