Das Blog von Benetton:
This is a blog, a place to ponder global themes and stuff we think we all should care about. Environment, rights, diversity, local communities, development… The goal is to highlight what is too often silenced by the media noise. This blog is sponsored by Benetton, but does not necessarily reflect its corporate view.
Talk: or discussion, conversation, dialogue. In an era of global events, transnational connections and corporations without borders, the necessity to relate, to inform but most of all to tell is always more pressing. There are too many issues, stories, events that are at risk of being engulfed by the vortex of global chatter, of being crushed by the inflation of information.
To think about some of these for a little longer can broaden our view of the world: making a little room for discussion and going a little further in-depth, and if possible knowing and understanding what is out there.
Seit Benetton diese abgefahrene Werbung vor zig Jahren gefahren ist, habe ich weder meinen Fuß vor die Tür dieses miesen Konzerns gesetzt, noch habe ich ein Produkt von denen gekauft. Und aus dem gleichen Grund werde ich deren Pseudo-Wir-Kümmern-Uns-Um-Eure-WeltGeldbörsen Blog nicht lesen.
via Sierralog