I wrote this Live Design to be a little different than a regular design tutorial. Not only do you get to see the code that causes the design changes, but you get to see the page change while you go through the tutorial. I think this method is most appropriate for a media Website like this.
I wrote this to promote external CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) as the best method of adding style to a site. This section shows you, in 18 lucky steps, how CSS is applied in order to create the design. More detailed info can be found in this Website’s other Developer sections.
via BloggingTom
Erinnert mich ein bisserl an das Tutorial von A List Apart zum 3-Spalten Layout.
Und passend dazu, unser Und täglich grüßt das Shirt des Tages:
18 Gebote des Webdesigns
Ich sollte das T-Shirt Motiv wohl Nielsen-Shirt nennen :-))