Kosmix.com kennt momentan folgende Spezialsuchen:
Gesundheit, Reisen und Politik
Und dabei kommen keine üblen Ergebnisse heraus, vaD finde ich Seitenleiste mit Suchkategorien prima gemacht. Beispiel: Suche nach Frankfurt >>
Warum die Spezialsuchen?
At Kosmix, we have taken a different approach to helping people learn and discover through searching. When you need to learn about a medical condition, you want to see comprehensive results from the most authoritative medical sources. You also want to expand your base of knowledge by tapping into sources that don’t show up in the top ten queries on most search engines. Kosmix helps you discover new sources of great health information by showing a number of different health categories for you to learn from, and providing in-depth results for all those categories. So whether you are looking for expert information to clinical trials, Kosmix can help you find those results quickly and easily.
Gebt Kosmix eine Chance und testet mal.
via Buzzmachine