Jeff Jarvis von Buzzmachine (mögl. hier bekannt wegen der Dell Hell-Story) über die Zurückhaltung der großen Brands bei der Werbeaktion von Rocketboom (dem erfolgreichsten Videoblog der USA, das vor wenigen Tagen für 40.000 USD auf eBay seinen ersten Werbeplatz an eine No-Name Firma namens TRM versteigert hatte):
And here we have in a microcosm the explanation of why media is so horribly out of sync today: The public is valuing new media much more than the old, but the advertisers still value the old. Most every newspaper and in many cases TV networks and magazines have much larger audiences online, but the revenue for their old media properties remains much higher because the advertisers and agencies still value the old and the safe. They want metrics. They want control. They want guarantees. This, in turn, makes big publishers and producers play it safe because they don’t want to mess with the cash cow. And that means that advertisers miss the opportunity to reach a larger, younger, smarter audience in the new medium, which is — supposedly — what they’re dying to do. And that means that big media companies now face competition from a thousand Rocketbooms and a million Gawkers. That allows a TRM to come along and snatch away an opportunity from the big, lumbering giants. That is why small is the new big. Small be nimble, small be quick, small jumped over the conglomerates.