Könnt Ihr Euch an Paul Rademachers Mashup aus Google Maps und Craigslist Immobilienanzeigen erinnern? Housing Maps >> Eine geniale Anwendung, Miet- oder Kaufobjekte je nach Lage und Preisrange ausfindig zu machen.
Zillow.com ist eine etwas ähnlich gelagerte Anwendung: Eine Mischung aus Grundstückspreisen und Google Maps. Siehe Beispielskarte mit Objekten >> Allerdings ist der große Unterschied zu HousingMaps, daß man vielmehr auf die Entwicklung der Immobilienpreise der nächsten Umgebung als Vergleichsfaktor und damit dem Einholen von Preisinformationen abzielt statt auf die Vermittlung von Immobilienprojekten: Whether you’re buying, selling or just want to keep a handle on your most prized possession, here’s how you can use Zillow.com to get the information you want … for free.
Kaufinteressenten können den Kaufpreis abschätzen:
1. Maps – Scope out neighborhoods of interest and look at home values
2. Comps – Review recently sold homes to get a sense of neighborhood trends
3. Zestimate – Compare the homes estimated value to the asking price. Take the Zestimate with you to open houses.
Verkäufer können den richtigen Verkaufspreis bestimmen:
1. Zestimate™ – Enter your address to get an idea of what your home is worth.
2. My Zestimator™ – Use this 5-step tool to further refine the estimated market value of your home.
3. Comps – Review comps of nearby homes to arrive at a fair selling price. See what your agent sees.
Und Eigentümer können den Anlagenwert abschätzen:
1. Zestimate – Look at the current estimated market value and other data about your home.
2. My Zestimator – Update changes you’ve made to your home to arrive at a revised value.
3. Zindex™- Find out how your home stacks up compared to others in your ZIP code.
So zumindestens der Anspruch von Zillow.com. Die Inhaber über die Idee:
Both Rich and Lloyd were separately involved in buying houses, while jointly looking for new business opportunities. Lloyd spent hours finding information on the house he wanted, putting data into a spreadsheet, and doing complex calculations to determine a home’s worth. The idea crossed his mind that someone shouldn’t have to be a computer programmer to determine what a house is really worth. He figured he wasn’t alone — there must be millions of people struggling with the same problem. Then the idea struck them: Why not help consumers by giving them access to the same kinds of information and tools agents use? Why not equip consumers with information about what is their most important investment — their home? So Zillow was born, with the goal of helping people make smarter real estate decisions.