ist wieder drin, meldet Matt Cutts, der Mann fürs Grobe bei Google.
1. Matt hat sein Ziel erreicht, alle Webseitenbetreiber wurden im Rahmen einer prima PR-Aktion gewarnt, nicht nur die Spammer, sondern auch stinknormale Firmeninhaber bis hin zu Großkonzernen (nach dem Motto „wir machen vor keinem Halt, egal wie groß du sein magst“). Oder wundert es jemanden, daß er zufällig mit Verkündung der Frohen Botschaft Googles Quality Guidelines in 10 Sprachen veröffentlicht?
2. BMW freut sich, daß sie wieder drin sind, diesmal aber mit vieeeel mehr Incoming Links als vorher. Denn, wer verlinkt schon auf langweilige Webseiten, wo nix los ist, außer daß schöne Bilder zu sehen sind?
3. Die Google-„Zensurgegner“ dürfte es auch milder stimmen
4. Ich ärgere mich nicht wie manch ein anderer über die Sonderbehandlung von BMW: Die Seite war zwar viel zu schnell weg, um wieder viel zu schnell hereingenommen worden zu sein. Es war einfach nur ein geiler PR Coup von Google 🙂
Spannend die Kommentare bei Matt:
– I think it“s great to see Google sticking to its principles (read: guns), and the speed with which spam reports are being enacted upon is commendable, but I can“t help but wonder if BMW“s profile helped them get re-included quicker than a mom and pop site who unknowingly hired a blackhat SEO. It took less than a week for to be removed from and then reincluded back into Google“s index – can everyone expect the same treatment, or did BMW (and Ricoh) jump the queue?
– My problem with the situation is that either you or Google, and to be perfectly honest I“m not sure which party is ultimately responsble, decided to use it as public example and therefore take advantage of the BMW name. While this isn“t the first time you“ve used your blog to post an example of a spammer, I have to believe you were aware that this particular story would spread and become a hot news item. And I also have to believe you were aware of the potential publicity this would have gotten.
– This wasn“t so much about spam fighting on a site by site basis (which goes on quietly all the time) but about a very effective, public demonstration of the boundries to the corporate world. Frankly, I don“t even think it“s a message to SEO“s and webmasters (they usually already know) – it“s a message to the management and executives. Those guys usually don“t respond to emails or guidelines, they only respond to something that makes them look bad to the shareholders, customers or directors.
– Guess it was the shortest Google ban in history? I knew it won“t last with such a big boy, but such an obvious violation of Google“s own reinclusion procedure is truly disgusting. Unless, of course, I missed a „VIP reinclusion service“? (constant contact with the webspam team, personal manager, free champagne etc) somewhere on Google“s site.
– It seems to me that the people who are upset at the quick reinclusion are reacting as vengeful/spiteful webmasters rather than regular users who want relevant information. As a user, I think this was handled as well as could be. was made a public exampe of so as to get black hat spammers shaking in their shoes. This benefits me as a user to hopefully reduce spam I encounter in the SERP.
via SOS-SEO Blog