Klasse Idee von Toshiba mE, wie asahi.com berichtet:
Toshiba Corp. has developed software that lets shoppers use their phones to check the reputations of products on the Internet. Shoppers only need to use the phone’s built-in digital camera to take a photo of the product bar-code label. … The service will cover products that consumers are particularly concerned about, including consumer electronics products, food, books, CDs, DVDs and cosmetics. Bar codes on about 400,000 products can be scanned. When the cellphone camera shoots the bar code, the information is automatically sent to a server, which then searches through blogs, or diary-like Web sites, for reviews. About 10 seconds later, a summary will be displayed on the cellphone screen reporting how many blogs were positive and how many were negative. The actual comments on the blogs can also be viewed as well as information on related products. Toshiba categorized about 500,000 Japanese words into fields such as travel and culture, and classified words related to evaluation as good or bad. The results were used to create a database that makes it possible to analyze blog comments at high speed, the company said. A similar service is already being provided by a Sony Corp. affiliate.
via Techcrunch
Doch zunächst einmal abwarten, die Qualität solchartiger Text Retrieval Systeme haben wir beim Test mit dem Anbieter Opinmind gesehen. Wäre das allerdings nicht etwas für die Structured Blogging Initiative?
Egal wie, eines ist ganz sicher: Je wichtiger Rezensionen werden desto wichtiger werden Mechanismen sein, gefakte von echten Meinungen zu unterscheiden.