Irgendwann in 2004, mitten im Wahlkampf Kerry-Bush… eine sehr … puhh… eindringliche Botschaft von Jon Stewart (dem Comedy Star zur Sendung The Daily Show) in einer von CNN mittlerweile – Anfang 2005 – abgesetzten Polit-Sendung namens „Crossfire“ (man „munkelt“, das Renommee dieser Sendung nach diesem legendärem Interview sei dauerhaft beschädigt worden). Auch wenn das schon lange her ist, so zeigt es doch beispielhaft, was Medien richtig und was sie falsch machen können. Und wenn sie es selbst nicht erkennen, was sie falsch machen, kommt irgendwann wieder einer wie Jon Stewart und legt den Finger gnadenlos auf die Wunde.
Stewart attracted much attention as a result of an unusual, awkward, and heated television exchange with CNN’s Tucker Carlson in October 2004. Stewart decried the state of television journalism and referred to both Carlson, whom he also declared to be „as big a dick on [his] show as [he is] on any show,“ and co-host Paul Begala as „partisan hacks,“ in addition to asserting that their show, Crossfire, had failed in its responsibility to inform and educate viewers about politics as a serious topic (transcript). This exchange became one of the most widely viewed Internet videos to date (both publicly on iFilm and other sources), and a topic of much media discussion. In January 2005, CNN announced that it was cancelling Crossfire. When asked about the cancellations, CNN’s incoming CEO, Jonathan Klein, stated that although he made the decision six months before Stewart’s appearance, he „wholeheartedly agrees“ with Stewart’s „overall premise.“
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