– das bekannteste Social Network und wohl das System, das den Boom in diesem Bereich ausgelöst hatte – steht laut CNET zum Verkauf:
Earlier this year, Friendster was shopping for a buyer, and according to one source, it was looking for a sale price in the ballpark of $200 million. Now its price has been lowered to the range of $50 million to $100 million, the source said.
Grund? Friendster war 2002 an den Start gegangen und die Userzahlen sind förmlich explodiert. Doch:
But success was bittersweet. During its salad days, the network often couldn’t handle the heavy traffic demands from visitors, and it suffered repeated outages. Friendster also struggled to find a solid business model as the network grew. It hired NBC executive Scott Sassa to lead the company’s transition to a larger media company, but his tenure turned out to be brief. Meanwhile, as Friendster’s star has fallen,’s has risen.
MySpace hat laut Eigenaussage 33 Mio User und Friendster „lediglich“ 21 Mio User. Ok, man muss natürlich berücksichtigen, daß die Zahl der aktiven User wohl wesentlich geringer sein dürfte.