Paul Stamatiou hat einen englischsprachigen Beitrag zum o.g. Thema geschrieben:
Many first time bloggers automatically assume that once their blog is setup and they put a few posts on it, they will get some hits and regular readers. This is quite untrue. You won’t get any traffic if no one knows about your website. In this article I hope to tackle these problems and discuss some of the common ways bloggers and webmasters drive more traffic to their site by understanding the user. I have received many emails from aspiring bloggers asking me what they can do to get more traffic, so hopefully this will help out at least those people.
Er gibt dabei u.a. einen prima Tipp zu, wie man das Tool nutzen kann – auch Tagging – um sein Blog bekannter zu machen und geht auf weitere Dinge ein, die ich in meinem Blogbeitrag zu diesem Thema so nicht drin habe.
via Templaterie Blog