Bingo Bango Software Inc., an Atlanta based start-up, announced the release of Elicit 1.1.3 which is the first desktop blog client to integrate Yahoo’s Blog Search for the purpose of helping bloggers create and find content from the blogsphere…. Elicit, released October 3, 2005, is a desktop blogging client that connects to WordPress, Blogharbor, Typepad, Squarespace, Blogger, Livejournal and MovableType blog management systems. Elicit is the first blog client to allow bloggers to manage and publish automatically to dozens of blogs, with a calendar, without having to push a „publish“ button. Elicit is the first blog client to integrate Web and RSS Services from Amazon, Chitika, Google, MSN, Flickr, Furl, and Yahoo in one place, for the purpose of increasing blogger productivity.
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Auffällig: Man kann neben dem eigentlichen Textfeld ein Suchfenster aufklappen und in verschiedenen Tools wie zB Google suchen. Die Ergebnisse kann man dann per Drag&Drop ins Textfenster ziehen. Das klappt ebenso mit Flickr Bildern. Und dazu ist es möglich zB als Amazon Affiliate Partner ebenfalls per Drag&Drop passende Angebote einbinden. Sehr bequem das!!!